Two benign colonic polyps were removed in 1998 and 1999, while Bush was governor of Texas
Bush underwent follow-up colonoscopy on June 29, 2002, at Camp David. He denied signs or
symptoms of colorectal cancer, but underwent the procedure to be "super-cautious"
about his health
The results of the examination were reported to be normal. Supposedly, another of the reasons
Bush underwent the procedure was "to underscore its importance for people over 50 who
are at risk"
Before the 20-minute procedure, Bush invoked
section 3
of the
25th Amendment,
temporarily transferring Presidential powers to Vice President Cheney
-- the first time an official transfer of power had been made under that provision of the Constitution.
Bush commented: "I'm the first president to have done so (transferred power) under this
type of procedure and/or physical examination. I did so because we're at war"
Ronald Reagan
used section 3 of the 25th Amendment to transfer power to his Vice President on July 13,
1985 before undergoing surgery for colon cancer. However, Reagan did not explicitly invoke
the 25th Amendement
Details of the procedure were released
Bush will likely undergo repeat colonoscopy in 5 years